
We present below, a scheme on how to derive maximum benefit from the use of the Guide.

  • On logging on to the site, the "click here" button will take you to the table of contents (the previous page)
  • Click on any of the items on the menu and proceed to enjoy the contents
  • In the ‘MODULES OF THE GUIDE’ menu, you will be presented with the list of the eleven modules of the Guide. Click on any module of your choice. You are encouraged to go through all the modules one at a time.
  • For each module, select from the options "SCAN THE CONTENTS" "DETAILED STUDY" and "MAKE SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT".
  • A detailed study of each module is highly recommended. Since modules are in units, you may wish to spend as much or as little time as you like, breaking your engagement at convenient intervals.
  • The Guide is interactive to the extent that your answers are reviewed by a panel of experts and a feedback is given in the shortest possible time. It is also interactive to the extent that your suggestions for improvement will be taken note of in the periodic revision of the Guide.

If you have any concerns or you require further information, please:
